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  • What are Fixed Assets

    In accounting terms there are generally two types of assets; Fixed Assets and Current Assets. The only difference between them is that current assets have a short life span, less than a year; while fixed assets have a longer life span; normally two years and longer. These two types of assets are also treated separately on the balance sheet. That's it, very simple. Not so?

    For example, the business's Petty Cash Book (account) is a current asset. Why? Because the value changes daily, it is not stagnant or fixed. And it is very small in comparison to fixed assets such as buildings, land, machinery, etc. Compare it also to a fixed investment, which is usually long term in nature.

    Toilet paper, stationery, stock, raw materials, cleaning materials, staff refreshments, and the like, are not going to exist for very long. No longer that about one month before you have used them up, and they need to replaced. However, land & buildings, vehicles, furniture, machinery, computers and office equipment you will have for at least three years before replacing them; if not much longer. The latter are Fixed Assets.

    Another type of fixed asset of note is an intangible asset; an item or asset that you cannot touch or see. Above we spoke only of tangible assets, things that do physically exist.

  • Ming Hu Xinyu

    Can go out and climb a mountain to the Great Lakes, for my walking lovers, have been very satisfied. Leshan benevolent, wise water music. In the mountain lake place to stay for a few days, to the body and mind is really a luxury. I show the lake, slowly, step a shake, want to retain the good times. Fog up more misty lake, across the lake has become a line between tianshui. Lakeside grassland allowing people to walk to play, this is not the nature of trampling, but on human respect. Go on the lake at the foot of Wood Road, "Dong" sound, like in the ring atrial. Lake clear, angler Jing Ru monk. Not demanding everyone like Jiang Taigong, away from the water three feet straight hook. Mount Emei Buddha at the foot, is really a peaceful scene!

    After rain the sky looks blue., the first mountain popped up front. Landscape painting just falling thick and heavy in colours in the sky one pen, but I said goodbye to the Mount Emei. Goodbye goodbye rural landscape real, real food. On the way home, the boundless plain, blow up. Wife home can scarcely wait, let us see her back home to have the Spring Festival photos. Because the mood is good, one's face glowing with health, has a free man as man effect, my daughter and I were surprised to see. Life, I was born in the world, living in the heart! The text is to accompany my life long partner, many things to keep it. The magic of the years bit by bit, in the future may be a good reference. Live in the now, is to create the future.

    After the death of my father, the main family. Housing will take on an altogether new aspect, to lead the family out of the shadows. Remove old, change old ideas, there have been numerous meetings. A house like this, the more intense. The king tiger, it is easy to be a false countercharge. But find fox's tail, to thank the world. Media high-profile publicity, former Deputy Prime Minister into the temple to burn incense. To abandon atheism, return to orthodoxy, and even can be said to hundreds of millions of Buddhists. Veteran mouguo retired, to make people to clean the river, play. For God will win, against humanity will defeat.

    Global integration be a trend which cannot be halted, free wireless Internet USA company plans global coverage. The fear of exposure of people, be convulsed with fear. The Masonic eye without light, can only see their own somewhat less clear. Because after all, is the life of the organization, not by the group. Repair group is just the opposite, the focus on their own, and to pay no heed to the outside world. Inward and outward looking for, in a day, one on the earth.