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  • When was the first delivery?

    When was the first delivery?

    The recorded history of food delivery traces back to 1889 in Naples, Italy. King Humberto and Queen Marguerita of Savoy, feeling lazy, requested a pizza to be delivered by a famous pizza maker, Rafaele Esposito.

    What does deliver mean in the Bible?

    de-liv'-er (natsal, nathan; rhuomai, paradidomi): Occurs very frequently in the Old Testament and represents various Hebrew terms. The English word is used in two senses, (1) "to set free," etc., (2) "to give up or over." ⇒See a list of verses on DELIVERER in the Bible.

    What is the normal delivery term?

    Full term – when a pregnancy is a normal duration (37 to 42 weeks gestation). Gestation – the length of time (in days or weeks) that a baby is in the uterus. Gestational diabetes – a condition that develops during pregnancy when the woman's blood sugar levels become too high because of inadequate levels of insulin.剖腹產bb

    How many people were sent by God?

    It is said, in the sacred books, that over 124,000 Prophets were sent to different nations of the world to preach about the ONENESS of God.

    Is it possible to give birth without pain?

    Painless childbirth was founded on specially adapted training that enabled women in labour to control childbirth and its pain through a better understanding of how their body functioned, the role of uterine contractions, and the use of corporal procedures (relaxation, breathing, etc.).

    Can I get an epidural at 4cm?

    When can you get an epidural? Typically, you can receive an epidural as early as when you are 4 to 5 centimeters dilated and in active labor. Normally, it takes about 15 minutes to place the epidural catheter and for the pain to start subsiding and another 20 minutes to go into full effect.開刀生仔


    Q:催生比較痛嗎? A:不會! 很多人誤解催生很痛,事實上,催生只是是用藥物啟動身體本來就有的生產機制,並不會讓你更痛,只是啟動了你本來就會經歷的產程. 另外,預約時間催生的好處是可以在提早打減痛分娩的協助下,再進行適當的催生程序,產痛反而較低.

    Is 46 too old to have a baby?

    Those women who have late menopause have babies early and often have babies without difficulty, well into their early to mid-40s, but it's rare for any population you study that women have successful pregnancies after 45 with any kind of frequency.


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    手術中只要有傷口就會造成沾黏,剖腹產是在腹部與子宮各切開一刀取出胎兒,手術過程會讓原本包覆在器官做為隔離組織的保護膜遭到破壞,人體裡有自動修復的機制,所以這層保護膜在傷口產生的7天內會慢慢復原及重新生長,而沾黏就是發生在保護膜復原的過程中,讓子宮,腸子與周邊的組織黏在一起,有些會有肚疼,腸沾黏等後遺症,嚴重可能造成不孕 ...