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Many of us live by to-do lists

One thing I do for myself is I whine to people who know me about how something isn't working or I'm not getting the clients I want, or not taking big strides toward my next goal," Capland says. "And then they remind me of what I bring to the table, and my gifts and talents, and look how much I've done."

Chances are, there are people in your own life who know how much you've accomplished and can remind you what those accomplishments are when you're feeling frustrated or helpless. Talking to these people is one of the best things you can do to give yourself the confidence you need.

Mine has 14 items on it right now and growing.) But what about an already-done list that takes a look at the tasks you've complete and all the projects at work and elements of your life that are working really well for you? I'm willing to bet there are a lot of things in your life that you're very proud of, and most of them wouldn't be there without your hard work, dedication, and love.

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